I am Asandir and you might have seen some of my posts, if you came here because I made you mad or sad, then I want to apologise to you, with that being said, just enjoy your time on Newgrounds!

Age 34, Male

The Court of Truth

Joined on 12/23/10

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Asandir's interviews with Newgrounds forum users

Posted by Asandir - August 28th, 2011

_____I_N_T_E_R_V_I_E_W_____A_R_C_H_I_V _E_( BY RELEASE DATE)____

1. Interview with Suprememessage
2. Interview with Confucianism
3. Interview with Sevkat
4. Interview with Jolly
5. Interview with Rummy0
6. Interview with Gimmick
7. Interview with Dosensuppen
8. Interview with SpaceWhale
9. Interview with Natick
10. Interview with BilalZ
11. Interview with ToastedToastyToast
12. Interview with Light
13. Interview with FairSquare
14. Interview with Kanon
15. Interview with Mismo
16. Interview with XenonMonkey
17. Interview with Squidbit
18. Interview with coleknows
19. Interview with Ericho
20. Interview with Asandir
21. Interview with TailsPrower
22. Interview with Luke
23. Interview with EmmDubya
24. Interview with Lintire
25. Interview with Xenomit
26. Interview with Emma
27. Interview with zag
28. Interview with Ragnarokia
29. Interview with Quinny
30. Interview with Bryan
31. Interview with ModernPatriot
32. Interview with TheInterviewer
33. Interview with BobbyBroccoli
34. Interview with MaartenC
35. Interview with FurryFox and TruBluFoxx
36. Interview with Conal
37. Interview with Piggler
38. Interview with Decky
39. Interview with NekoMika
40. Interview with Sectus
41. Interview with Nentindo
42. Interview with Skaren
43. Interview with hitman1993
44. Interview with SpiffyMasta
45. Interview with Spirit
46. Interview with Amaranthus
47. Interview with Mia
48. Interview with RightWingGamer
49. Interview with Shade
50. Interview with TheDark, SubparTony and Wavepad
51. Interview with BizzarroPMP
52. Interview with CrazyRock
53. Interview with Lionelion
54. Interview with Entice
55. Interview with Killerskull
56. Interview with Mumbo
57. Interview with Boomstick
58. Interview with Ilssm
59. Interview with Sensationalism
60. Interview with Jester
61. Interview with Blazejsg
62. Interview with Protagonist
63. Interview with dlxrevolution
64. Interview with ZJ
65. Interview with hecticjon
66. Interview with Klobb17
67. Interview with YenMuffin
68. Interview with The-Great-One
69. Interview with Slint
70. Interview with SneakyGameBoy
71. Interview with Halberd
72. Interview with e-lord
73. Interview with NeutralObjections
74. Interview with SaltshakerClock
75. Interview with Nor
76. Interview with BrazilianNinja
77. Interview with Provoke
78. Interview with Cosmic
79. Interview with Knights
80. Interview with HomicidialFrog
81. Interview with Klik
82. Interview with Oolpah
83. Interview with Cyberdevil
84. Interview with LiquidFire
85. Interview with tox
86. Interview with Otto
87. Interview with BigBadtheBazz
88. Interview with EJR
89. Interview with Viper
90. Interview with SmartyPants
91. Interview with triplenoob
92. Interview with T3XT
93. Interview with sweet21
94. Interview with KatMaestro
95. Interview with kanef
96. Interview with fuzzum111
97. Interview with PsychoZoid
98. Interview with JimmyTheCaterpillar
99. Interview with TheMajormel
100. Interview with gamejunkie
101. Interview with POTaTOS
102. Interview with Phobotech
103. Interview with koopahermit
104. Interview with Archonic
105. Interview with Sense-Offender
106. Interview with Rad
107. Interview with yurgenburgen
108. Interview with Tony-DarkGrave
109. Interview with littlegonkyboy
110. Interview with YellowisCOOL
111. Interview with Highway
112. Interview with Satan
113. Interview with iMini
114. Interview with Emlfuryoflion
115. Interview with WiiFittoToreinaa
116. Interview with Havegum
117. Interview with Vinnyy
118. Interview with Lemonardo
119. Interview with BumFodder
120. Interview with darkjam
121. Interview with Tribal
122. Interview with Decimating 
123. Interview with RydiaLockheart
124. Interview with DarkMatter
125. Interview with Damien
126. Interview with Bit
127. Interview with Splats
128. Interview with DM692
129. Interview with Wegra
130. Interview with Twone
131. Interview with Nebula
132. Interwiew with JRob
133. Interview with Stretchysumo
134. Interview with JadeTheAssassin
135. Interview with Fluffington
136. Interview with Powerage
137. Interview with Scarface
138. Interview with Idiot-Finder
139. Interview with kazumazkan
140. Interview with Dr-Worm
141. Interview with creepyboy
142. Interview with Kogey
143. Interview with orangebomb
144. Interview with DrClay
145. Interview with Troisnyx
146. Interview with Captain-Slugworth
147. Interview with ChazDude
148. Interview with exudaz
149. Interview with Pkmn2
150. Interview with Clamstuffer
151. Interview with SansNumbers
152. Interview with Kel-Chan
153. Interview with HeavenDuff
154. Interview with WahyahRanger
155. Interview with DamnedByFate
156. Interview with Radaketor
157. Interview with Lepy
158. Interview with Amaranthus II
159. Interview with NGPulp
160. Interview with DeftonesFan665
161. Interview with Lich
162. Interview with SubliminalVirus
163. Interview with D-Nightmare
164. Interview with FinaLee
165. Interview with Deshiel
166. Interview with vannila-guerilla
167. Interview with NeonSpider
168. Interview with larrynachos
169. Interview with omega88x
170. Interview with RB
171. Interview wih Heretic-Anchorite
172. Interview with Cronizone
173. Interview with Valjylmyr
174. Interview with Heinrich
175. Interview with TheGamechanger
176. Interview with Alexander
177. Interview with egg82
178. Interview with Maltos
179. Interview with EDM364
180. Interview with DarkRoxy

_____I_N_T_E_R_V_I_E_W_____A_R_C_H_I_V _E_( A - Z)____

Interview with Alexander
Interview with Amaranthus
Interview with Amaranthus II
Interview with Archonic
Interview with Asandir
Interview with BigBadtheBazz
Interview with BilalZ
Interview with Bit
Interview with BizzarroPMP
Interview with Blazejsg
Interview with BobbyBroccoli
Interview with Boomstick
Interview with BrazilianNinja
Interview with Bryan
Interview with BumFodder
Interview with Captain-Slugworth
Interview with ChazDude
Interview with Clamstuffer
Interview with coleknows
Interview with Confucianism
Interview with Conal
Interview with Cosmic
Interview with CrazyRock
Interview with creepyboy
Interview with Cronizone
Interview with Cyberdevil
Interview with Damien
Interview with DamnedByFate
Interview with darkjam
Interview with DarkMatter
Interview with DarkRoxy
Interview with Decimating
Interview with Decky
Interview with DeftonesFan665
Interview with Deshiel
Interview with dlxrevolution
Interview with DM692
Interview with D-Nightmare
Interview with Dosensuppen
Interview with DrClay
Interview with Dr-Worm
Interview with EDM364
Interview with egg82
Interview with EJR
Interview with e-lord
Interview with Emlfuryoflion
Interview with Emma
Interview with EmmDubya
Interview with Entice
Interview with Ericho
Interview with exudaz
Interview with FairSquare
Interview with FinaLee
Interview with Fluffington
Interview with FurryFox and TruBluFoxx
Interview with fuzzum111
Interview with gamejunkie
Interview with Gimmick
Interview with Halberd
Interview with Havegum
Interview with HeavenDuff
Interview with hecticjon
Interview with Heinrich
Interview wih Heretic-Anchorite
Interview with Highway
Interview with hitman1993
Interview with HomicidialFrog
Interview with Idiot-Finder
Interview with Ilssm
Interview with iMini
Interview with JadeTheAssassin
Interview with Jester
Interview with JimmyTheCaterpillar
Interview with Jolly
Interwiew with JRob
Interview with kanef
Interview with Kanon
Interview with KatMaestro
Interview with kazumazkan
Interview with Kel-Chan
Interview with Killerskull
Interview with Klik
Interview with Klobb17
Interview with Knights
Interview with Kogey
Interview with koopahermit
Interview with larrynachos
Interview with Lemonardo
Interview with Lepy
Interview with Lich
Interview with Light
Interview with Lintire
Interview with LiquidFire
Interview with Lionelion
Interview with littlegonkyboy
Interview with Luke
Interview with MaartenC
Interview with Maltos
Interview with Mia
Interview with Mismo
Interview with ModernPatriot
Interview with Mumbo
Interview with Natick
Interview with Nebula
Interview with NekoMika
Interview with Nentindo
Interview with NeonSpider
Interview with NeutralObjections
Interview with NGPulp
Interview with Nor
Interview with omega88x
Interview with Oolpah
Interview with orangebomb
Interview with Otto
Interview with Phobotech
Interview with Piggler
Interview with Pkmn2
Interview with POTaTOS
Interview with Powerage
Interview with Protagonist
Interview with Provoke
Interview with PsychoZoid
Interview with Quinny
Interview with Rad
Interview with Radaketor
Interview with Ragnarokia
Interview with RB
Interview with RightWingGamer
Interview with Rummy0
Interview with RydiaLockheart
Interview with SaltshakerClock
Interview with SansNumbers
Interview with Satan
Interview with Scarface
Interview with Sectus
Interview with Sensationalism
Interview with Sense-Offender
Interview with Sevkat
Interview with Shade
Interview with Skaren
Interview with Slint
Interview with SmartyPants
Interview with SneakyGameBoy
Interview with SpaceWhale
Interview with SpiffyMasta
Interview with Spirit
Interview with Splats
Interview with Squidbit
Interview with Stretchysumo
Interview with SubliminalVirus
Interview with Suprememessage
Interview with sweet21
Interview with T3XT
Interview with TailsPrower
Interview with TheDark, SubparTony and Wavepad
Interview with TheGamechanger
Interview with The-Great-One
Interview with TheInterviewer
Interview with TheMajormel
Interview with ToastedToastyToast
Interview with Tony-DarkGrave
Interview with tox
Interview with Tribal
Interview with triplenoob
Interview with Troisnyx
Interview with Twone
Interview with Valjylmyr
Interview with vannila-guerilla
Interview with Vinnyy
Interview with Viper
Interview with WahyahRanger
Interview with Wegra
Interview with WiiFittoToreinaa
Interview with Xenomit
Interview with XenonMonkey
Interview with YellowisCOOL
Interview with YenMuffin
Interview with yurgenburgen
Interview with zag
Interview with ZJ

Other Interviews:

The Interviewer - Main Page




Indeed :D

it's not a review, don't call it that. it's far from it. just an interview.

sad thing is that if i decide to do the same others will think I'm copying you :x

I just changed it, I screwed it up :D
Now it looks better.

that was kinda slow comparing to the other news posts, it's been 20 minutes before someone posts a comment

Hm. Aslong as there are comments, it is fine :D

Lol garbage whistle. That sucks.

It surely does :/


Okay. I deleted the other comments.

"Delete me from the list. I don't want to be associated with you in any form anymore."

Nah, not anymore. That was after your first hate comment. It is fine now.

This is gonna be awesome.

I think so too :D

This should be interesting. I'm interested in who you're gonna pick, more so.

And so am I :D
Beware, I am fairly interested in interviewing you at some point :)

Do me.

You want to? That is great :)

Me? I'm game.

Sounds good. Firstly I want to interview Legnus, though.
Next one is you, then :)

All these people are interesting because they're SHTOOOOPID.

True fact. 'cept Jolly.


You should do me bra.


Confucianism is the worst. God, he's annoying.

Hm. Sometimes ;)

Nothing new today? Hm, well you did two yesterday.

I plan to release them weekly, the interview with Legnus is in my inbox :)

Needs more Narcissy.

Next one after Legnus, thanks for your interest :D

Yeah it is best to release weekly if you can. Or at least within a few days apart from one another.

I would love to see an interview with Narcissy as well as one with Idiot-Finder.

Interview with Narcissy confirmed at the moment :)

I think ive wasted enough time here to deserve an interview

Seems so, yes :D

Hey, I'd like an interview!

We will see :)

Interview Painbringer, Poxpower and Newgrundling.

Also I would join in and beg you to interview me, but TGO already did me. 8)

All of them would be great, but I feel not worth enough asking them :'(

Well you're well known these days, I don't think they would decline.

Probably :')

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