Asandir's interviews with Newgrounds forum users
This interview features the user EDM364.
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When did you find Newgrounds and why did you join? Why did you choose the username Andrea364 and why did you change it to EDM364?
"As far as I can remember, I started thinking about joining Newgrounds around '05, at about ten and a half. Of course, the required age to join was thirteen, and I know why now that I look back on my older posts. Alas, that's a story for another question. I joined NG that fateful September 3rd, 2006 because I wanted to leave a review on one of @Psybot's tracks. Simple as that. I'd been perusing the Audio Portal, astonished by the quality of the free music floating around. I was a kid in a candy store when it came to the AP. I suppose, since I was eleven, that's about half-literal. The other bells and whistles (pun) were a bonus until I figured out that experience and badge rank translated to higher voting power, which I very much liked the idea of.
As for why I chose the name Andrea364, I remember trying just Andrea, only to figure out that some inactive from 2002 already had the name. So, I used my favorite number, 364. Why 364? Don't ask. I'm full of arbitrary preferences. I suppose I just liked the look of it. However, as the years went by and I turned more to audio and less to being a spammy little shit -- after several years in the NGPD and EGB under @TailsPrower and @EagleRock respectively -- I decided I could use a more fitting name. I'd been playing around with several others since starting my producing, but EDM364 stuck, being a combination of my primary genre and my older alias. Most people I knew from way back didn't recognize me despite the similarity. I'm looking at you, @Ultramartyr. :P Maybe I should have chosen a name like @Coop, formerly Coop83."
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Do you think that you changed over the time you were here, as user, or also in real life?
"Without a doubt in my mind, yes. Newgrounds was a big part of my life when I began, so I rode the ups and downs as if I were experiencing them in person. It was my escape from the real world, one I'm happy my parents didn't know about other than the fact I frequented it daily and complained when the internet was down. Newgrounds introduced me to most of the other online communities I was part of, including Tribal Wars, which I played for years, and the place as a whole has been a blessing for my outlook on life. Arguably, NG and TW were the most influential to this date, if I look back at just how much I grew.
At first, I was a self-important brat with no clue of what netiquette was or proper grammar. I became somewhat of a troll until I stumbled on the EGB as it was in '06, the sprawling paragraphs and stat lists of a tidy lounge, reported flashes posted left and right, and officers on the patrol, blam rifles at the ready. At first I thought it was some sort of roleplay. My attempt at joining as an evil lollipop level one must have been laughable, but the polite no I received gave me the determination to get the rank, which lead me to the NGPD. Here I met @Dejanus and @TailsPrower, who encouraged me to take the fight to the portal. At the time, I didn't understand the motivations, but the cohesiveness of the group and outside support gave me the fuel I needed to peter through daily life, which then was going to school with a bunch of brats who had nothing better to do than pick on the quiet kid.
Ah, there's another habit NG helped me break -- silence (pun). Besides training me up into a proper internet citizen, my time in the PD and the Barracks helped me come out of my shell. I blame the long conversations we had, which, although they didn't feel public, I knew at any time that a mod could come swooping down and press the lock button on us if we didn't behave. I think that constant pressure, knowing my words could be used against me or the people I cared about, eventually helped me to perform under pressure. I learned that anyone will judge you at any time and for any reason, and that if you simply don't arse yourself to care about it, it can't hurt you. After I figured that out, I never had a problem with public speaking, that's for sure."
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Are there any other users that you like, and how do they affect you?
"Oh, many many. There's of course @TailsPrower, whom I'm sure I've mentioned a million times. After @Dejanus, he mentored me for the duration of my stay at the PD, which was lengthened by the '06 redesign when the B/P badge stats were redrawn. I'm not sure whether I was more relieved or upset. Anyway, he's a real stand-up guy, and he deserves the mention, not only for his service in the PD but also because he's still around. That's some dedication. Also, he's a "reputed horsefucker".
Then there's @SlashFirestorm, who frequented the EGB. We became fast friends, I suppose you could say. I'm pretty sure there's a flash on here he made what includes my user icon being sodomized by a cactus and @Coop as a cyborg with specialization in deepthroating. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
@Byteslinger and I hardly talked, but I admire her for taking over NGlog and maintaining it. I still use the place, even if it doesn't keep up with art reviews and the like. She was another barracks reg.
Lastly, there's @EagleRock, who at the time of the redesign was writing "Barracks Under Fire", in addition to keeping up the roster. The story essentially encompassed the Barracks being put up against the mods in a tournament style game most similar to CounterStrike, set up by the admins. It was a great read. Sadly, I never saw it finished. I wish Eagle would pop in one of these days.
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Are there any users that you would consider enemies or that you just don't like?
"Used to be, yes, but I don't even remember their usernames anymore, so I suppose it's not all that important. Most of the people I don't like, I simply don't talk to. The way I see it, that's easier for me and easier for them. The term "enemy" was mostly reserved for Tribal Wars on the .net servers, and I don't remember knowing anyone from NG on there except Telordeth, who most certainly wasn't an enemy. Sadly, he's deleted his account, I believe."
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What is your opinion about the forums? Is there one forum that you prefer? And is there another forum user that you want to see getting interviewed by me?
"Well, to be honest, General usually is a bunch of trash, but I get some laughs out of it. Most names I can think of off the top of my head for an interview are already moved on with life or newbies, and you've already interviewed @TailsPrower. However, a few good ones I could think of would be @KhanKhendo, a newer account I've seen around general -- pretty funny guy -- or if you haven't already, try some of the Audio forum regulars, like @Step, @Rahmemhotep, @Ultramartyr, or @Seprix. I may be forgetting a few, like @Sequenced.
My favorite forum has ping-ponged over the years between C&C and Audio. Audio, obviously, is more recent. Lately, I'm torn between the two, with some stopping by Wi/Ht and General. These are where most of my time on the forums has been spent in the past nine years on NG."
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I guess that you have an opinion about the moderators of Newgrounds. Do you think that they do a great job or not?
"I think things could be better, but as a whole, the site is functioning pretty well. Between you and @Exedor, that wily Flash Portal is staying relatively clean, and the forum mods, though they're often snarky little shits about it, are just doing their jobs. Can you imagine having to read the slag in General every day and sort out what to lock and what flame wars to break up? I just couldn't do it. Review mods are better than they used to be too, I will say. Overall, business is being taken care of. I just hope it stays that way. Some people hate the moderators with a passion, but when you see assholes like that serial abusive reviewer that kept hitting us on a proxy last week (and I haven't checked this week), it should be a no-brainer, we need these guys. If there were no mods, this place would be a trash heap."
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Would you like to become a moderator on Newgrounds? If so, what kind of moderator?
"I used to say I wouldn't ask for the job, and from what I hear, you aren't supposed to anyway, but if I were offered a position, I'd take it, especially if it were as an audio moderator. This is where most of my experience would be useful. I used to worry I wouldn't have time for it, but I've come to the realization that, if you want to make time for something, you will. This would be one of those things I'd be willing to make time for."
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The last redesign happened 2012. Tell me what you think about it. What do you like and what is not so good?
"Really? I must not have been very active at the time. I hardly noticed. The last redesign I recall clearly was '06, although I probably was there for this one. I just don't remember it because it didn't affect me too much. I do remember the art portal being added, which I was happy about. I'm not sure if it was added during this redesign. I'm fairly neutral on the changes to the site. News pages still function, I can still submit my content to the AP, and the EGB still stands. I'm good on those fronts."
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You are a member of the Elite Guard Barracks. Tell me when and why you joined them. What do you think about the current state of the flash portal, and what kind of changes would you like to see?
"Hmm, it must have been in '06, because I recall rising through the ranks fairly quickly. The portal at the time was active enough to support this hypothesis, but I'll have to go back and look to really be sure. I do remember going back and forth between the PD and the Barracks after the redesign sat me back at Police Captain from Private.
I suppose I simply wanted to join at first for the prestige, but it later morphed into a sense of duty to the portal and to the people of Newgrounds. After all, if I enjoyed the content here, I might as well do my part to keep it enjoyable, so to speak. We all know those sites dedicated to shovelware for ad revenue. People get stuck on those and think that that's all that there is -- my mother does, at least. I wanted to help keep NG a prime example of a superior flash portal.
At the time, the whistling function on UJ flashes had just been removed, I think, or if it was still functioning, it was soon to be removed. After the redesign, I don't recall ever being able to whistle a flash again. Damn shame, because the whistle song that would play after was so catchy!
The flash portal as it is now is a far cry from how it used to be. I see more spam than I do anything, and I'm pretty sure flash is going out of style. Another damn shame. I remember when the Shockwave plugin was all the rage -- at like seven years old, lol. The Unity and WebGL support is a great feature now, but it can also get quite annoying for your common user to see something done in WebGL and know it could also be done in flash and load four times as fast. I hope we don't become a WebGL portal. Most modern notebooks barely run the stuff, and my computer struggles to keep Firefox open and a crappy fullscreen WebGL fps running at the same time.
Honestly, I'd like to see the FAQ revisited and more relevant information put in. The NG API doesn't yet have an implementation for Unity or WebGL, I don't think, and the sooner we get these, the sooner we have a leg up on the competition. Beyond that, we need clearer rules of what the admins do and don't want on this site. Granted, you'll still get these idiots submitting "stick figure fails" that look like a second grader's flip book renditions at 12 FPS either way.
Nine years ago, a speedpaint would have been an instant blam here, but now that's changed. I think overall that's a good thing. It was another leg up that YouTube had on us, but we'll catch up soon enough in that area. YT still pays better, honestly, but the labels haven't decided thus far to try and milk dollars out of user generated content here too much, thank God. This is one reason I don't mind NG's low revenue payouts versus YouTube, and that our tagging system's little failures are a blessing. The easier it is to search for what music is used in a flash, the more the labels will come down on us for an easy meal. Add in that NG has a portal of perfectly good, royalty free music, and it encourages submitters to tag music they've used from NG with a simple little attribution box, and we've got a pretty damn good thing going here so far."
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You mentioned in one of your newsposts that you like TES:Oblivion. Tell my readers what you like about this game.
"Oblivion was a momentary obsession for me, mostly because I stumbled upon Skyrim and loved it. I've played both extensively. Of the two, Skyrim is the pretty sister. Oblivion is the smart one. Wait, nevermind. Actually, if you look back even further, Morrowind was the even smarter, quirkier installment. The way the combat and items functioned, it was actually quite ingenious. On Morrowind's engine, you could create any number of routes around a problem, and combat itself was a mess of math to check hit chances, etc. that kept combat a frenetic battle against Murphy's Law. It functioned much like a tabletop RPG with a virtual reality simulator.
Oblivion, on the other hand -- my word was everyone hideous, even the supposed most beautiful people in the world, but it delivered a fantastic storyline to bandaid that. I won't give any spoilers, but it perhaps is one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time, even if sitting through those hideous characters sat me back in my chair thinking, "Geez, I left my N64 in the closet, right? ... Right?!" The context it gave for Skyrim was great, and the world itself felt much less empty than many other RPGs of the period. If you're going to play this game, I recommend playing on PC and modding the textures with Nexus Mod Manager. With mods, it gave a better experience than vanilla Skyrim for me, which I also recommend for PC with modding. Can you tell I love mods?"
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Atleast back in 2006, you were a big fan of several anime, one of them being Shaman King. What do you like about this anime?
"It's been a long time since I've seen or heard that one. I used to read it in Shonen Jump, alongside Naruto and others. In general, I think I mostly just liked the similarities between other anime and manga. The protagonist, Yoh Asakura, communicated with spirits, and like so many other anime protagonists wanted to be the strongest shaman. Does Pokemon's English themesong, "I wanna be the very best", sound familiar? I watched a lot of similar fighting-centric anime, so perhaps that's why I don't really remember this one as clearly as I'd like to. I do remember the soundtrack, however, which was quite nice. I think mostly this one was overshadowed by Bleach, Inuyasha, and Naruto as my favorites."
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In the same years you said that you skate. When did you start this hobby and is it still an activity that you like? How many Skateboards do you have and which one is your favourite?
"I don't have any skateboards, actually. I rollerskate! It's been an occasional hobby since I was about nine. Of course, I used to think I was hardcore and that rollerskating was for losers -- and rollerblading was naturally where it was at, because it was harder. Boy oh boy, wasn't that ironic? I was introduced to skating for the first time on a girl scout outing. My troupe took us to Skate Oddysey in my town and let us screw around for a few hours. I'm pretty sure it was the troupe leader's daughter's birthday. She was a couple years younger than me. She has a kid now.
Anyway, within a year and a half, I'd bought my pair of Carreras -- speed skates because I thought I was a little badass. They were on sale for Christmas, and I'd been begging forever. My mom got me a set of red wheels, which are rounded off from a decade of skating now. I still have these today. The axles are loose enough that if I'm not careful, I'll scrub the wheel on the shoe if I try and turn too hard, and the straps at the ankle are damn near torn off. One has a bent paperclip to slip the velcro through, and the velcro is half ripped off, to boot. I usually just try and tie them tight and go. I really should snag you a picture. They're still functional, I swear.
The skating rink has gone through about four remodeling sessions since I started going, if that tells you how often I've been -- enough to know the difference. I used to hang out with a bunch of goth girls there, around the time I joined NG. Some of them I managed to recruit, though they all seem to have gone their separate ways. Haven't seen any of the many friends I met there except the one I'm currently involved with. She frequents the place every now and then, NG that is. Between '03 and damn near '16, I nearly got myself thrown out of the place for being a little Casanova more times than I can count."
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"The Fault in Our Stars" is one movie that you apparently enjoyed. What did you like about this movie?
"Well, the protagonist is a snarky cancer patient played by the same girl cast as Triss from the Divergent series. You can guess why there. She definitely didn't botch the role. The movie deviates from the book a little bit, but it's a wonderfully tragic love story about terminal cancer that made me cry practically the whole way through. I wasn't sure which character I identified with more. All of them were well written and undeniably human in their portrayal."
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Looks like you are fairly good at drawing. When did you first start?
"My mom has been putting crayons and pencils in my hands since I was old enough to hold them, and even though my parents were split up, I still managed to cultivate the hobby as a toddler through two week visitations, whether it was painting detailed murals of the neighborhood on doors that Dad had to tearfully wash away before the apartment manager did inspections or scribbling my future stepdad tied up in a family portrait. I've never thought about it as a serious pastime, up to even now. It's a sporadic thing for me. The last time I did a portrait was over six months ago. If I can be arsed, I'm known to do one or two of them for people I really appreciate. It helps me take my mind off of anything that might be weighing me down.
Lately I've been experimenting with digital art, as you can see. I can't quite get the hang of it yet, but I'm getting there. I just need to learn to use those brushes more efficiently and get a tablet instead of a trackpad, so it won't be as much like finger painting, lol. I do enough of that already in my hallway, which mom grudgingly let me have for the purposes. I've since painted demons and eyeballs everywhere, with a little help from friends who come over. Mom thinks it's absolutely absurd and keeps asking, "Why demons? Why is there blood everywhere? Are you depressed?" Yes, mom, I am. That's not why I'm drawing demons being decapitated with glowy blue swords and flame atronachs and blood spatters all over my wall, though."
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According to your Soundcloud, you are a "College kid with a passion for producing #EDM #Dubstep #DnB and #Experimental" music. When did you start making music? Which artists do you like the most?
"Oh, you checked that thing I slapped together to give me a place to post the remixes I don't post on NG -- although I don't post much on there because SoundCloud doesn't compensate artists or have a good looping feature, even if its player is supported on Twitter. I started producing electronic music around '08, but it wasn't until recently I bothered to get decent at it, if that makes any sense. I keep my old catalog around mostly because I believe it's important to remember your mistakes, no matter how embarrassing.
Some of my favorite artists and major inspirations are, on NG @Psybot, @ParagonX9, @dj-ene, @CWN, @Bad-Man-Incorporated, and @dj-Nate. Speaking of dj-Nate, how dare he remove the original version of "Orchestral Angels". I still listen to that MP3. Off of NG, I do love me some DeadMau5, Korn, Blink-182, Zomby, T.I., The Cranberries, Iggy Azalea, Azealia Banks, Five Finger Death Punch, Apocalyptica, Flyleaf (before Lacey left) and Jeffree Star. Just don't ask me to pick a favorite. I'll gape like a fish. In short, unapologetic, honest music appeals to me."
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Out of all Newgrounds musicians, who would you like to work with together the most and what kind of song would be the goal of that collab?
"Collabs aren't really my thing at the moment, I don't think, but I wouldn't mind working with @Ultramartyr. He passed me a demo to lay some synth work on earlier this year, which unfortunately wasn't quite as subtle and ominous as what he was looking for. I haven't ventured far into collabing, as a whole, so I don't have much to say about it other than I'm not sure what I would do in that capacity. Maybe I simply am not ready or mature enough to seriously work with another artist. It takes a lot of willingness to compromise and knowledge of each other's capabilities. Time will tell."
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Every person has secrets. Can you tell one of yours or something else that we didn't know about you yet?
"Well, if I hadn't mentioned it to a few already, I'd say my multiple suicide attempts over the past 20 years of my existence, the most recent attempt nearly landing me squarely out of college and in the white coat facility, if you catch my drift. I tried to drown myself in the aftermath of an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive relationship in my dorm room bathtub. That's the short version. Pretty sure there's some cheating on top of that crap I put up with too. My dorm mother and security guard thankfully rescued me, and though I wished they hadn't then, I'm happy they did now. I'd hate to have something as pathetic as a temporary relationship kill me.
Now, you wouldn't know it from talking to me, but I suffer from acute major depression, severe to the point that I often feel little or no emotion in daily life, barring some unexpected occurrence. Nothing and no one has really been able to help me in this regard. I'm sure it has something to do with exposure to violence, drugs, and sexual abuse from early on (no, it wasn't my parents) and consistent bullying after Mom married my stepdad and I moved schools. I don't mind talking about it, or anything of the sort anymore. I'm probably about as open of a book as you'll find in that regard.
In short, I've been through a lot of shit, just like everyone else. I'm not sure if I'd qualify as normal in my emotional responses to said shit, which is essentially non-existent, but I'm happy that in some limited capacity, I'm able to feel at all. More importantly, I'm thankful that I am still able to love others at least, even if I experience little or no deviation emotionally from a flat "meh", most of the time, and if I do experience emotion, usually there's a cooldown period of numbness or depression.
Others, including some of my therapists over the years have used terms like "flat affect" and "apathetic". I'm not sure if I'd call it apathy. It isn't that I don't care about anything. I certainly do. If I didn't care, I'm sure I wouldn't have tried to kill myself after being yelled at for two hours and then dumped for some other troll-doll looking mother-clopper, though the yelling was pretty common. I was kind of used to it, honestly, after living with her for six months. After that near success at killing myself, however, and then the subsequent flip flop of my then ex of crying over me, then throwing my Valentine's day gifts in my face not two weeks later, well, I felt the first thing I had felt in a long time, anger and resolve. That resolve was to kill everything she'd ever loved about me, which I did, and then I became myself. Now, here we are. I'm confident, sure of myself, and I still don't feel much, but damn if I'll ever let anyone else determine my worth."
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What can we expect from you in the future, EDM364?
"The future is always a great unknown. I don't do too much planning, but I hope to keep coming back to NG as long as we're both still kicking and I'm able to contribute something worthwhile to the community. I aim to submit over 50 songs in the next year, focusing on better loops because I love the challenge. I got a late start this time around with a measly 65 total tracks and a few gaps. Bottom line, the more practice I get as a producer, the better I'll become, so that's the goal. Whether I'll meet it or not, we'll see. I also hope to be around the EGB and Audio Forum Lounge. I've met some great friends there.
I've got a pretty big to-do list I haven't touched much beyond that, including some reviews on YouTube for products like the Xbox One and several other things. I may also add more of my NG catalog to SoundCloud. I haven't touched that in a long time. I'll also be tweeting lots of content from NG over twitter and tacking onto those review requests. 10,000 audio reviews is the goal, but there really is no limit. Beyond that, I'm aiming to check the portal out daily and do enough to at least deposit with a few extra votes thrown in. Too few people voting means the portal is getting clogged with submissions from ten days ago and such. We really need to get on the ball with that, and the whole one-vote-per-lifetime of a flash is compounding a once hidden problem.
*wipes sweat from brow* I think that's about it. Whew, it's been one hell of an interview. Hope I didn't clog up the server with all those characters.
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Now you are filled with more knowledge about EDM364, dear reader.Feel free to leave a comment here, saying what you think about the interview, requesting users to get interviews is also appreciated. Tune in next time :3
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