I am Asandir and you might have seen some of my posts, if you came here because I made you mad or sad, then I want to apologise to you, with that being said, just enjoy your time on Newgrounds!

Age 34, Male

The Court of Truth

Joined on 12/23/10

Exp Points:
54,888 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.03 votes
Art Scouts
Sup. Commander
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B/P Bonus:
9y 7m 29d

Interview with BizzarroPMP

Posted by Asandir - July 23rd, 2012

Asandir's interviews with Newgrounds forum users

Todays interview features the user BizzarroPMP. He will tell us about how he changed in his time on Newgrounds and about his awesome project Join the Heard.

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When did you find Newgrounds and why did you join?


"Whew....um...a long time ago. My first experience was in '00 or '01 (WTC bombing hadn't happened yet) when some kid in a public library showed me Pico's School. I was 11 and it was strange. I won't lie, It scared me a little bit lol. But I still went back. The Assassin, DK Project and Adult flashes were quick to satiate my 11/12 year old mind. The real question is "Why didn't you join sooner??" The answer to which is, I was not 13 yet. That's right. I ACTUALLY listened to the age restrictions for joining........although I frequently went there to play dressup games. Go figure, right?"

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Why did you choose the username BizzarroPMP?


"Well, my first account in '03 was called baby_eater, because I was 13 and super edgy and hawdcore and just did not give a fuck! TAKE THAT, SOCIETY!! YEEEAAH! MY AURA IZ DARK/EVIL LEIK MAH SOUUULL AN UR JUST GON HAV2 DEEL WIT IT!!!!1 Ahem....excuse me.... ...but later, when we all got our one freebie name change (after one of the redesigns), I decided to go with ProMotionProductions. Yes. The Production of Professional Motion. You see, I had just downloaded flash, and had high hopes of becoming an animator. I think we can all say for certain that kids aren't in the least bit flighty.... So in '10 I made an alt account to.....uh.....I am sure I had a reason. But anyway, its name was BizzarroPMP, P.M.P. being the initials of my "main." But, little did I know, this account would be my new main. I plan on getting a name change sometime in the future, though."

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Do you think that you changed over the time you were here, as user, or also in real life?

BizzarroPMP: "Man....from 11 to 23? Yea, I think I changed. There is now hair where there was no hair before. I have graduated high school. I have been in love. I have had my heart broken. I have had weird sex that I wish to forget. I have seen friends die. I have witnessed my parents divorce. I have been arrested. I have battled drug addiction and won. I don't like marshmallows anymore. All of which is reflected in my posts and reviews. They are a mirror into my subconscious, my changing interests, my experiences. Your boy Bizz has been through a lot, NG, so take everything I say with a grain of salt."

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Are there any other users that you like, and how do they affect you?


"I like a lot of users! :D The first user that I really talked to was JBKalso, but I never see him on anymore. Then I started chatting with Mumbo and TurkeyBased. Those are the two I talk to the most. But there are also users like Blazejsg, blauwwolkje92, YenMuffin, dlxrevolution, Spirit, Gimmick, Jay and theeketel that I enjoy talking to when they're on. .....and of course Asandir! <3333 Miss you in chat, BROba Fett... They influence me by making me want to be active in this community of awesome people!"

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Are there any users that you would consider enemies or that you just don't like?


"There are. I won't mention them though, because that will only make them think they're cool. Everybody hates you [NAME WITHHELD], we all talk about you behind your back. ...watch someone actually take this seriously. :P"

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What is your opinion about the forums? Is there one forum that you prefer? And is there another forum user that you want to see getting interviewed by me?


"I love the forums! General is my favorite because everyone there is just trying to have a good time and joke around. Except when people take it too seriously. Don't get me wrong, when normal users do this it can be hilarious....but when a mod treats General like it's serious, it can be annoying. And YES! Interview Mumbo! He's funny and active on the forums and a lot of people would like to see him interviewed."

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I guess that you have an opinion about the moderators of Newgrounds. Do you think that they do a great job or not?


"Haha.....yes, the mods. Most mods are pretty awesome, but they're only human and still have weaknesses and off days. Others are just complete shit and I have no idea how they came to moderate anything. There are some I wouldn't trust to moderate their own bowel movements... I like Poozy overall. He is funny sometimes, when he gets involved in the conversation. He is just a little too inconsistent. Back-From-Purgatory has an interesting style. He is very strict on spam and trolling, which is how it should be, and he juxtaposes that firmness on locking with a very lenient ban policy. Dean is a skinhead neonazi......go figure, right? lol Those were just a few examples. Now, I can only speak from personal experience and observation, so take that how you will."

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Would you like to become a moderator on Newgrounds? If so, what kind of moderator?


"Yes. Make me a moderator. I will be the best mod you have ever seen. I will dance better than Baryshnikov and score more goals than Wayne Gretzky. I will be fair, balanced and will keep my own precocious mischief in check when its time to be adult about things.BizzarroPMP for mod 2012! :D ....but who am I kidding, I'd probably just systematically ban everyone until the site was empty and post goatse.... *SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE* Vote Bizzy '12 *SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE*"

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The redesign is finally here. Tell me what you think about it. What do you like and what is not so good?


"I love the redesign.........'s design. I've been around a while, and seen pretty much every single version of Newgrounds there is. In short, the look of the site keeps getting better. Now, the technical stuff is more tricky. Lets take the searchbar for example. The previous one was actually superior in that you could search by name or artist. There is NO MORE SEARCHING BY ARTIST!! That is a big problem... Or not, I mean, once you get to the animation you like, you can just get to the artist's other games and movies through the dropdown box, right...? WRONG. That is gone too. The layout may look all beer and skittles but there is still much more work to be done on how the UI functions."

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The featureless Newgrounds chat has arrived. What do you think about it? Do you like the chat?


"I love chat! It's where I go when I'm banned from the forums lol. I remember Zendra gave me a 30 day ban, and I was cracking up.....but Chat kept me sane. All the cool people are usually there, too, so that is a plus."

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You seem to be a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Can you tell our readers how you became a fan and what you like about the show? Has being a brony affected your life?


"Basically, I had heard about it. At first I was super judgmental and I laughed at the whole brony thing pretty hard. I remember seeing people "brohoof" on youtube and I was like "these people are hilarious!" I asked someone what the whole thing was and they linked me to an episode, the first. I didn't really get it right off the bat, but what kept me watching for the entire episode was the animation. That show is the most gorgeous use of ToonBoom Animate to grace TV screens in a while. But I just didn't care for it. So I made a thread in General about it, something I had no idea was such a heinous crime, and before my subsequent verbal rape, I was linked to the MLP:FiM Crew. It was there I was told that the first two episodes were not a good representation of the rest of the series, and that was true. There is a lot of setup of characters and boring stuff. So I was told to just give it one more chance, watch one more episode, any episode, so I did. Luckily for future me, that episode was Party of One. Bronies will know this as the episode where Pinkie Pie's misunderstandings turn her into an antisocial paranoid schizophrenic. So many laughs were had... So I said, "Well, bronies, ya got me. This was enjoyable, thank you for an afternoon of fun, but I have a girlfriend and she would laugh at me for watching this." ....That relationship then went down a lot of terrible paths, and we broke it off. Depressed, I watched a lot of TV in the first few weeks, and in another late night of boredom I turned back to the ponies. This was a completely different experience. Through my now heightened susceptibility to emotion, I finally understood. Not like "Yeah yeah I get it. The show is about friendship," but actual understanding. This was a show about people with positive attitudes dealing with life's problems in healthy ways. They cared for and helped each other. In truth, this was an ideal world. Not the unattainable utopia with no wars, but a perfectly attainable society that, while it still makes mistakes, realizes that we are all part of the same family and we should love each other as we love ourselves, strive to be kind, and be just a little more selfless....It was powerful. I was at a point emotionally where I needed something to feel good about, and this show was it. I was hooked. Within a week I was all caught up, started hanging out in the Pony Crew and met other bronies. So yes, it definitely has effected my life. Either purposely or subconsciously, we hold the people we see on TV and movie screens, read about in books, or listen to on the radio, as role models. Well, I hold the characters in this show as role models. You can laugh, but I think I've really made a good life defining decision."

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It seems like you became a member of the Soup Squad. Please tell our readers more about the group and how you became a member. Additionally, tell me your opinion about other flash creating groups on Newgrounds.


"Soup Squad is a group of terrible people who make terrible cartoons...... I am one of these people. But I kid, I kid. Soup Squad is a flash crew that prides itself in making quick and simple animations to entertain and amuse people, mainly themselves. They have their own forum, apart from newgrounds which I post spam in from time to time. Also pictures of my erect penis. I became a member of the crew when I was in Skype with Krutches (Taco Soup) and he asked me to make a flash for Forex's birthday collab. I did, and you can see my submission on my userpage. As far as other crews go, the only other one I have ever liked was ClockCrew. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB <3"

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I heard that you are working on some creative stuff. Can you tell our readers what you are working on currently?


"Yes! I am currently working on rounding up some Newgrounds bronies to do an animated talk show called "Join the Heard!" We will talk about a variety of topics from the brony culture. Favorite fan creation, pony master race, rule34 and other creepy bronies, how my manliness has inexplicably not suffered a bit from watching this show......and a lot more stuff. So if you want to be a part of this and you have a microphone, PM me or comment on my Join the Heard! newspost on my userpage. You've joined the herd... Now Join the Heard!"

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Every person has secrets. Can you tell one of yours or something else that we didn't know about you yet?


"Hmm...well it's not a secret, but you probably don't know. I make music. I am banned from the Audio Portal on this account for someone else's mistake, but I still submit instrumentals on my two other accounts.ProMotionProductionsDagg Give 'em a look and tell me what you think. I am also a rapper and have done a couple live shows. I plan on recording more pretty soon, too, so look out for that!"

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What can we expect from you in the future, BizzarroPMP?


"Join the Heard! Animated Talk Show More music, more SoupSquad animations, and a few collaborations with random NG'ers. In short, great things, great things. Keep your eyes peeled for me, NG, cuz I'm just getting started!"

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Now you are filled with more knowledge about BizzarroPMP, dear reader.Feel free to leave a comment here, saying what you think about the interview, requesting users to get interviews is also appreciated. Tune in next week :3

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Interview with BizzarroPMP


Couldn't get a more two dimensional personality if you tried.

D :

BizzP is my dude.

: )

NIce Interview Asandir.

Thanks ^__^

Nice interview asandir

Thanks -^__^-

Great interview as always Ashy! :D

Thank you :3

I fucking knew it! I knew you assholes was talking about me behind my back!

*runs off crying*

I am sorry :'[

Sweet. I love bizarropmp

I feel the same *_*

Seriously though, Asandir, get better people or some shit.

His interview is entertaining and he is a nice person. I can't imagine that many could deliver a better interview .

You haven't even interviewed Timmy or DirtyMeatball, hell, even SolidToad would be passable.

I actually asked SolidToad yesterday - DirtyMeatball is a good suggestion. I do however, not interview moderators.

Gamejunkie, KillerSkull, Protagonist, knightsofthecircle, Boomstick, Halberd. Anyone who doesn't suck.

Gamejunkie doesn't want to get interviewed, I think I asked Boomstick when he was MrRager and he declined, the interview with KillerSkull is on my computer and will be released when he is back from oregon, I don't think that Halberd and Protagonist are on good terms with me. And I don't know who knightsofthecircle is.

Hm, he has enough posts and is fairly active :)

I don't think I declined, I'd do one to make BizzarroPMP happy

That... that is awesome :)

Congrats on over 100,000 medal points!

Thanks :D

Bizzarro mentioned me! This means we need to form a blood pact and become brothers.

: 3