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Pokemon Soul Silver

Posted by Asandir - March 31st, 2011



I do, by far, prefer Soulsilver. I only just went out and bought White, but I generally even on my first play through am a bit disappointed. However, Lillipup's bringing back the pick-up ability really tickled my fancy!
Though it's not as easy to pick things up as it was with Zigazoon.

I liked Pokémon Black, but I didn´t enjoy it like the past generations, also due to the fact that the water starter( I always choose water at the first playthrough) is really weak and has an awful moveset.

Truthfully Informing o....o
I love playing Pokemon on my spare time, so I always wondered which is better or which to play without spoiling the fun and being able to experience something newer rather then a rehash.

And HI :D-pokes-

First of all thank you for your comment! I don´t know which games you already played, but I assume that you played the first two generations.
I can recommend Pokémon Emerald to you, although it´s fairly easy and not much of a challenge. I wouldn´t even bother to start playing Pokémon Platinum, because it´s really the worst game of the franchise. If you want a good new game you should go with Pokémon Black or White, you can only use new Pokémon at the beginning and it really is a good improvement graphics-wise, also the story is way better then in the games before.
Long story short, I recommend to you Pokémon Emerald and Black/White!

a tip for u when u start black version go with the fire type it is really ease to beat most of the gyms but bewear the broung 1 u might want some revives and hyper potions for tht 1 cuz on ur way to the leader some people have water/ground pokemon.

Ihave heartgould for my nintendo ds so could u tell me how to get the snorlax out of the way of digglet cave because he is very frustating and i cant get past. ive done all of the other gyms other than water and the cities i cant get to. id likr to know if u could help so if u can give me some help by leaving a comment on my padge thank u

Did you already repair the power plant in the east from Azuria City?
If not, visit the plant and speak with all the people there, they will tell you that there is a part missing. Now go back to Azuria City and go to the gym, there you should walk into a member of team Rocket, follow him to the Bridge in the north of the city and fight him, he will tell you afterwards where the machine is, go to gym and take it. Afterwards go back to the power plant to bring it back.
Now fly to lavender town and visit the radio tower, inside is a one guy who gives you an extension for your radio which allows you to play the pokéflute.
now go to snorlax and use the Poékecom and use the Pokéflute by tuning it in in the radio.

ok thnx

No problem :)

i got white and it was by far the easiest pokemon game to beat. beat it in 3 days discounting the school days. got 6 badges the first day ( march 6 ) i got it. Fun and easy game

Yes, it´s indeed easier, even if you not train your Pokémon they have a higher level than the Pokémon of the gym leaders because of the changed experience-system.

ironicly those were all my favorite pokemon and my starters of each generation.
although the arceus did not confuse because of its awesomeness.
although why you pick shinx?
and trident king i got 7 gym badges in platinum in 1 night.

I have chosen Shinx because it´s the best looking electro-type Pokémon(and his evolutions) in my opinion, it has also rather good stats.

hey guys what do u think of my un decided team in white
Samurwott ( dont if spelled correctly final evolution of oshawott )
Still deciding on which dragon Haxorus or the hydra pokemon ( half dark half dragon)
Like i said its undecided which dragon should i choose and if my team is any good
sorry for the long ass paragraph and misspelling

Isn´t Zekrom already a dragon type?

yah so what pokemon should i replace instead of zekrom then

Well, I would keep Zekrom because he has electro as second type, but you should get rid of Samurwott, because I know from personal experience that it is the weakest water starter, the moveset is also bad, so replace him with a Feraligatr or Milotic if you are able to trade, if not then take a Jellicent.

Thanks for the tip.

Glad that I was able to help you :)

HMMMM...I have pokemon:Black,Pearl,Heartgold,soulsil ver,ranger,and obilously no life XD. BTW thank you for being the only one to comment on mai 3ds obtain and black attack.I shall give u virtual cookie.plus,when oshawott grows to the last evoultion,HE KEEL U.Samurott is the all around in stats.

Thanks for your comment! The all around good stats of Samurott still don´t change the fact that he doen´t learn as good moves as the other water starters, but you can work around this problem with TM´s.

im gunna keep samuwott but replace serperior cause shes my weakest member of my team. i may replace it with a fire type. 1 question is it ok if im 15 and i still like pokemon cause i am 15 and i like pokemon ever since i was 8 or 7 cant remember

Of course it´s okay, I am older than you and still play them on a regulary, as long as you truthfully enjoy it there is no reason to feel ashamed :)

I just discovered that you can also get the old songs from the original silver. It's located in celadon city.

Yes, I know that, brings up even more nostalgia :)

I love all pokemon games, I think most people like thee soul silver and heart gold because they are old games that were renewed and more fun then before, personally I like white better than platinum, diamond, and pear but soul silver and heart gold are just a little better than black and white because it is pokemon blue, red, gold , and silver in one one the other hand black and white has x-transiver, dream world, feeling check (boy to girl), and that place where you can enter into someone's own game (forgot the name XD). So I really cannot decide which is better, also I like the water type pokemon dewott not samerott or oswatt.

Yeah, I think nostalgia plays a huge factor, what stands out most for me in Pokémon White/Black is the amazing soundtrack and story, the music is different from the other games at some places and make you feel like you are playing an epic fantasy role-game, also this Pokémon generation is pretty good, just like generation one.

I'm glad you still haven't gotten rid of this page. I'll miss my old comments!

Okay ^^